House Solid Waste

Please place household solid waste out in plastic bags, using up to 32-gallon plastic or metal containers placed 3-4 feet from mailboxes, trees, shrubs, vehicles or other obstructions by 7:00 a.m. Friday Mornings.

After Collection: To provide a safe environment in every neighborhood, please remove all containers from the collection point as soon as possible following collection.

Please keep in mind that residents can set out a maximum of ten (10) bags or (3) cans each week, or any combination thereof that does not exceed the ten (10) bag limit.

To eliminate spillage and possible injury, please do not overload containers. Should you place out for collection 32-gallon metal or plastic containers, the weight limit should not exceed 50 pounds, per container and contents.

Yard Waste

Yard waste collection will continue to be part of your solid waste program. We will be collecting yard waste on your regular scheduled service day. Yard waste will also be collected in a separate truck starting April 1st through the end of November. Please have your yard waste set out for collection by 7:00 A.M. Each Friday morning and placed separate from your household solid waste, recycling and bulk waste.

Yard waste includes: Garden waste, leaves, lawn cuttings, shrubs & tree trimmings/pruning waste. Yard waste will be collected in up to 32-35 gallon plastic or metal container and/or Kraft, yard waste, paper bags marked “yard waste or compost”

Please keep in the mind the weight restrictions on containers, 50 pounds max container and contents. FYI: Brush and tree limbs up to 4 inches in diameter not longer than 4 foot in length and bundled brush will be collected with the trash.

Branches and tree limbs should be tied securely in bundles not exceeding 18 inches in diameter no longer than 4 feet in with and stacked neatly

Not Considered Yard Waste

  • Dirt
  • Large Stumps
  • Gravel
  • Dead Animals
  • Sod
  • Sand
  • Animal Feces

Fall Leaf Season

Also, as part of its solid waste collection services, the City of Highland Park will implement a fall Leaf Season from October 15 through November 30. During leaf season, residents may set out twenty (20) bags per week, with a maximum of ten (10) of those bags, or the equivalent of ten (10) bags, holding residential solid waste. All leaves collected during Leaf Season are collected on the same day that.

Bulk Waste/Appliances & Furniture

The collection of large bulk waste, such as appliances and furniture, will continue to be part of your solid waste program.

You may set out NO MORE THAN 3 large bulk items on your regular scheduled service day for collection. (Friday)

Please keep in mind that residents can place out up to three (3) large bulk items per week for collection. Please place large bulk items out separate from other products for collection by 7:00 a.m. Large items may include: washers, dryers, freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners, hot water tanks, stoves, microwaves, couches, chairs, tables, dressers and other large items.

FYI: Please remove the doors and racks from refrigerators and freezers prior to setting out for collection. Also, it is the responsibility of Priority to make sure Freon is extracted according to current environmental standards.

Medical Sharps

Self-administering of doctor prescribed medication at home sometimes leaves the homeowner with a disposal issue.

If the treatment requires the use of syringes with disposable needles or lancets (commonly referred to as medical sharps).

Please check with your doctor prior to using any medical sharps for their safe disposal. If you dispose of medical sharps with your house-hold trash, please place them in a puncture proof container (such as a coffee can or heavy duty detergent container), secure the lid or cap.

Unacceptable Items & Household Hazardous Waste

We cannot accept any hazardous chemicals that the USEPA considers dangerous and that can catch fire, react or explode when mixed with other substances or if it is corrosive or toxic during the normal weekly collection schedule.

This may include: Ammunition, antifreeze, fire extinguishers, gasoline, lacquers, oils, or any other product labeled dangerous, flammable, combustible, poisonous or corrosive.

Disposal of hazardous chemicals with your regular household trash is strictly prohibited. Liquid, powder and/or granular substances, when placed in a plastic bag or carts, could catch fire, cause an explosion, burn or spray when it is compacted into our vehicles or mix with other products and cause serious injury and even fatalities.

Please read all directions and precautions prior to use. Whenever you need to discard containers and/or products leftover, please read all warnings and dispose of according to the manufactures recommendations.

Safety Porcelain Products

Porcelain products can cause serious injury when broken and placed out for collection. If you do have a porcelain product, such as a toilet, sink or tub, and it is broken, please beware and take adequate precautions.

Whenever possible, please tape cardboard over the sharp edges and mark accordingly. BROKEN GLASS: If you need to dispose of bro-ken glass, please wrap in several layers of newspaper and mark “Broken Glass Enclosed.”

Travel Tips

We all share the roadways we travel. Please be extremely careful when approaching one of our trucks, slow down and expect the unexpected. The safety of our employees, customers and the general public is of the utmost importance. We have a zero tolerance for unsafe acts by our employees. If you experience any difficulties, please contact our Customer Care Center at 855.927.8365.

Latex Paint

Latex paint can be disposed of with your regular household trash if dried or solidified as follows before you set it out at the point of collection. If you only have a small amount of paint left, you can allow it to dry out. Find an area protected from children, pets and the weather but with adequate ventilation. Remove the lid and allow the paint to dry. This works well for small quantities, such as an inch or two. When the paint is thoroughly dry, the remaining hardened material can be placed in your solid waste container. Please leave the lid off so we can see the paint has hardened. For large quantities or partially full cans, mix in equal amounts of absorbent material such as sand, oil dry or cat litter to solidify the paint prior to collection and disposal.

All of us at Priority Waste are looking forward to continuing our long and valued relationship with the City of Highland Park with smooth, seamless continued service of your solid waste program in collaboration with The Highland Park Department of Public Works. We hope that you find this information to be helpful as we continue to work together to establish a safe and efficient solid waste program in times such as this.


Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our Customer Care Center at:855.927.8365 Monday through Friday between 7:00am and 5:30pm or visit us on our website at