City Council meetings are held in-person and may be viewed on YouTube, hyperlink is provided below. The City will utilize video conference software that is designed for the highest compatibility of devices (personal computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones). For those not using computers or smart devices call-in numbers are provided. The City will make the best effort to ensure these meetings are held with minimal technological disruption in providing the live stream. The stream will also provide an option for closed captions during the stream.
To receive agendas, by email, of upcoming Council meetings, submit your request to
View Meeting via Zoom or View meeting via YouTube.
Pursuant to the Highland Park Charter, Chapters 5 and 6, the City Council of Highland Park is comprised of 5 members; 2 at-large and one from each council district. The council exercises all of the legislative powers of the city, except as otherwise stated by law, and provides for the public’s peace and health, and for the safety of persons and property.
The council meets in regular session in the established Council Chamber on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. The Highland Park City Clerk provides an agenda of business to be considered at each regular Council meeting, and except, when this rule is waived by the affirmative vote of three members of council, no item of business may be placed on the agenda unless notice thereof was filed in the office of the Clerk by noon on the third working day proceeding each Friday before the regular meeting. A quorum is reached when there are at least 3 council members to transact the business of the city. In the absence of a full quorum, the meeting can be adjourned until such time as a quorum has been reached. The Reference page has an archive of council minutes and agendas.
Members 2023 - 2026
Jamal K. Thomas - Council President
Sharmain Robinson - Council President Pro Tem
Temeko Manica - Council Member, District 1
Kallela Martin - Council Member, District 2
Khursheed Ash-Shafii, Council Member, District 3
2025 Workshop & Regular Meeting Schedule
January 21st | July 7th & 21st |
February 3rd & 18th | August 4th & 18th |
March 3rd & 17th | September 2nd & 15th |
April 7th & 21st | October 6th & 20th |
May 5th & 19th | November 3rd & 17th |
June 2nd & 16th | December 1st & 15th |