Libraries and charitable, scientific, educational, or religious organizations can apply for an exemption from property taxes. Applications must be received no later than January 31 of the year this exemption is being sought. Approved exemptions are continuous as long as the property is owned and occupied by the applicant and used for the purpose it was applied for under. 

The City of Highland Park uses the Michigan Tax Tribunal Four-Part Test when evaluating these applications:

  1. The real estate or personal property must be owned, occupied, and used by the exemption claimant as of December 31 of each year.
  2. The exemption claimant must be a library, charitable, educational, scientific, or religious institution.
  3. The claimant must be incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan or any other state in U.S.
  4. The exemption only exists when the buildings or other property thereon are occupied by the claimant solely for the purpose for which it was incorporated, or as further limited by the applicable statute.  

Apply for a Property Tax Exemption

Step 1.Submit an Application

To apply for an exemption from property taxes, submit the form below to the City Assessor's Office with all requested documentation. You will need to provide information about your organization like the articles of incorporation, its by-laws and constitution, evidence of ownership in the property, and budget documents (among other items that may be applicable). 

Application for Exemption from Property Taxes(PDF, 175KB)

Return the application and all documents by mail or in person to:

City of Highland Park
City Assessor's Office
12050 Woodward Avenue
Kalamazoo, MI 49001

You must submit your application no later than January 31.

Step 2.City Review 

The City of Highland Park will review your application based on the Michigan Tax Tribunal's Four-Part Test. The criteria for review are set by the State of Michigan law and court decisions and cannot be changed by the City. Review must be completed by the end of February. 

Step 3.Notification of Result 

After review, you will be notified of the results of your application by mail or email. If your application was denied, the letter will contain information on how you can appeal that decision should you choose to.